Registration & Grading
Supporting a workflow built for flight training
Registration & Grading
Supporting a workflow built for flight training
Provide your training personnel with a seamless tool for in-flight registration and grading regardless of internet connection. FlightLogger’s built-in flight registration and grading tool is tailored for any flight training organization.
Using any device, your instructors can bring FlightLogger along from the briefing room to the cockpit and minimize the effort spent on flight registration and grading – and create better pilots instead.

“FlightLogger turned out to be the perfect tool to support our growth in the last 2 years. The grading features allow us to consistently assess the progress and the competence of our students through the whole training. In addition, being able to assess the students off-line on board the aircraft enhances the quality of the evaluation.
Also, showing grading statistics and average evaluations help the instructors to quickly assess the background of the students they are flying with.”
Covers the entire flight lesson from preparation to completed
FlightLogger is built for flight training with a standardized workflow that covers every step from student preparation to debriefing. Students can upload documents before the lesson while instructors can add briefing and debriefing notes and perform one-click flight time registrations and grading of planned exercises – all within the same intuitive, user-friendly interface.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance
A successful lesson flight begins with a well-prepared student and a good briefing.
To ensure an efficient briefing FlightLogger makes all training manual references and other material available from any device. Add weight and balance sheets, takeoff, and landing distance sheets, performance charts or videos like pre-flight check available only one click away. Both student and instructor can upload their prepared documents to have them available for the briefing.
Easy lesson grading – focus on the student instead
FlightLogger picks up and displays your planned lesson exercises from your training program and allows for easy grading with a minimal number of clicks. View student’s previous performance, write comments, add extra exercises, and much more from our intuitive interface.

Insert flight details while in the cockpit
Register all the key information of your flight in seconds. Registrations and grading can be completed with a minimal effort in FlightLogger regardless of internet connection.
Add extra flights and landings, register fuel uploads, and set the details of your flight directly from the cockpit to make sure flight registrations are accurate.
Add debriefing notes and send feedback to the right people
Finish the lesson flight with a nice debriefing. FlightLogger allows you to add debriefing notes and select who gets to see them.
Anything to report after the flight? Simply click to send general feedback, maintenance messages, or incident reports which automatically go to the relevant people in your organization.
The lesson is complete when both instructor and student have digitally signed it off.