Competency-based training & assessment

Next level training with FlightLogger CBTA-Pro

Competency-based training & assessment

Next level training with FlightLogger CBTA-Pro

Get all the advanced features you need to leverage evidence-based training at your flight school by adding competency-based layers to traditional exercise-based training.

FlightLogger CBTA-Pro gets you in line with authorities’ best practice recommendations – and helps you position your flight training organization at the absolute forefront of pilot training.

The fast track to flight training of the future

FlightLogger offers the most advanced platform to support the principles of competency-based training & assessment – and FlightLogger CBTA-Pro provides you with a structured path to get there in just a matter of weeks.

With FlightLogger CBTA-Pro at hand, your existing training programs only need a “CBTA revision” to apply a competency-based framework on top of your current training principles.

Integrated intelligence automatically collects and visualizes the data you need to assess students on core competencies and underlying performance indicators according to authorities’ best practice recommendations.

FlightLogger Document Center
FlightLogger CBTA Pro grading

All the FlightLogger features – with CBTA on top

Transitioning your flight school from traditional exercise-based training to competency-based training and assessment may seem like an unmanageable project. But not any longer!

FlightLogger CBTA-Pro comes with all the standard FlightLogger features, but with an extra layer built on top to enable advanced competency-based training and assessment in you training organization.

Why FlightLogger CBTA-Pro matters

Reach for the sky

CBTA enables pilot students to reach their highest level of operational capability while ensuring a basic level of competence as a minimum standard

Cope with the unforeseen

CBTA gives pilot students the necessary competencies to cope with both predictable and unforeseen situations

Train what’s relevant

CBTA training is relevant to the job and the context in which the job will be performed

Promote real pilot skills

The CBTA method is geared towards learning rather than simply passing a test to become a pilot

Utilize what you have

The CBTA method allows you to make full use of available training tools and methodologies

Live and learn

The CBTA method supports continuous lifelong learning and performance improvement by focusing on competencies

Source: ICAO*

Exceed pilot training demands of tomorrow

With FlightLogger CBTA-Pro it’s never a tradeoff between traditional training and evidence-based training – instead you get the best of both worlds.

It means you continue with the good deeds from traditional exercise-based training and grading. On top of that, FlightLogger CBTA-Pro adds the additional layers you need to begin assessing pilots on essential core competencies in the various various flight phases.

This way, you enable an easy transition into pilot training as it’s done best; focused on specific exercises as well as the core competencies that constitute top class pilots.

FlightLogger student preparation

Visualize students’ core competencies

FlightLogger CBTA-Pro automatically collects student grading data from lesson flights and visualizes it via an easy-to-read CBTA Matrix.

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