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Through FlightLogger, airBaltic Training Pilot Academy now offers a fast-track career path from zero to FL370 with newly established ab-initio ATO

airBaltic Pilot Academy has been using FlightLogger since October 2016 for their simulators, doing type ratings on the 737. But from last year they have been meeting the growing pilot demand, in terms of offering ab-initio training at their ...

By |2019-05-29T09:18:58+02:00May 28th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Elite Pilot Training Center is now surfing the cloud with FlightLogger

Elite Pilot Training Center (EPTC) joins our worldwide customer network and thus increases FlightLogger’s presence in Belgium. EPTC is our newest ATO and our second customer operating out of Antwerp Airport. After making the decision to go digital with ...

By |2021-07-13T09:41:10+02:00May 10th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

EPST takes off into the cloud with FlightLogger

EPST is the most recent Dutch-based ATO to join FlightLoggers Digital Training Management platform. EPST provides the training for the final stage of the professional pilot, with the following training programs: AJFC/MCC, APS/MCC, MCC, and B737/A320 Type Rating. Their training ...

By |2021-07-13T09:40:32+02:00May 2nd, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

AEROS go digital with FlightLogger!

Aeros is the most recent British based ATO to join FlightLoggers Digital Training Management platform. Aeros will now be able to optimize daily activities by reducing paper workflows, improve reporting options and increase transparency as they move into digital ATO management. After deciding ...

By |2019-04-12T13:29:06+02:00April 11th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Newly launched ATO “Leading Edge Aviation” selects FlightLogger

On March the 11th Leading Edge Aviation became our 9th customer in England, and thus joined 72 other global customers who are using FlightLogger’s Flight Training Management platform. With FlightLogger, Leading Edge Aviation is digitizing ATO activities including flight ...

By |2019-03-15T13:47:46+01:00March 15th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Implementation Consultant joins the FlightLogger team

We are happy to announce that Martin Mikkelsen has joined FlightLogger as Aviation IT Implementation Consultant As FlightLogger continues to grow steadily with more ATO/AOCs joining our state-of-the-art platform we are striving to provide them ...

By |2021-07-13T09:39:58+02:00March 6th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Skywings increases FlightLoggers global presences as the first Belgian customer

Belgian ATO Skywings went live as country number 31st was added to the FlightLoggers customer map. Skywings selected FlightLogger to support their high-quality flight training with the latest training equipment and technologies. Implementing FlightLoggers state of the art Flight Training Management platform will ...

By |2021-07-12T10:31:56+02:00February 11th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Volflight digitizes ATO activities with FlightLogger

As Volflight went live with FlightLogger in early January our Swedish customer base increased. Volflight chose FlightLogger to optimize the ATO management by reducing paper workflows, improve reporting options and increase transparency. With the integration of flight programs, ground school theory, bookings, flight registrations, certificates, documents, ...

By |2021-07-13T09:39:22+02:00January 29th, 2019|Press releases|0 Comments

Airways Flygutbildning selects FlightLogger

Airways Flugutbildning is the latest Swedish Flight School to go live with FlightLoggers Flight Training Management platform. The value proposition of becoming paperless by integrating the management of flight programs, ground theory, bookings, flight registrations, certificates, documents, messages, maintenance etc. was ...

By |2021-07-13T09:37:59+02:00December 20th, 2018|Press releases|0 Comments
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