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High ambitions make Paris Flight Training switch to FlightLogger

One of Europes most exciting new flight training academies has just opened their operations in France. Paris Flight Training is ready to conquer a fair share of the European pilot training market, and switching ...

By |December 15th, 2021|Press releases|

Lanmei Training Centre climbs to new heights with FlightLogger

Today, we at FlightLogger celebrate our first Cambodian partner as Lanmei Training Centre goes live with their digital FlightLogger platform. Adding Cambodia to the list of countries with at least one FlightLogger partner means ...

By |November 30th, 2021|Press releases|

Diamond Avia takes off as the first FlightLogger partner in Belarus

Even though the FlightLogger platform is widely recognized across the globe, there are still countries where we haven’t yet made our mark. Until recently, Belarus was one of these countries, but we now have the ...

By |November 24th, 2021|Press releases|

Training organisation with a higher mission joins FlightLogger

It’s with great pleasure that we announce the 9th Australian partner going live with FlightLogger. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is an organization unlike most others, with an inspiring vision of using aviation skills to ...

By |November 18th, 2021|Press releases|

Zelf Vliegen searched for a planning tool but got much more with FlightLogger

When Zelf Vliegen reached out for a demo of FlightLogger earlier this year, they were simply looking for something to connect their flight planning and logging. But seeing FlightLogger in action made them realize ...

By |November 1st, 2021|Press releases|

Galaxy Aviation joins as the eighth FlightLogger partner in Australia

Last month we had the pleasure of welcoming yet another flight school from Australia when Galaxy Aviation went live on their new FlightLogger platform. Galaxy Aviation is thereby the eighth flight school in Australia ...

By |October 5th, 2021|Press releases|

Top-rated flight academy TFC Flight Training goes live with FlightLogger

From the very beginning, FlightLogger’s flight training management platform was developed as a versatile platform that fits flight training organisations of different shapes and sizes. The list of flight schools and aero clubs using ...

By |September 2nd, 2021|Press releases|

Aerostar Aviation takes flight training to new heights with FlightLogger

Aerostar Aviation, a flight training school and air charter company located in Adelaide, this week became the 8th Australian pilot training organisation to switch to FlightLogger’s digital platform for managing flight training operations. It hasn’t ...

By |August 27th, 2021|Press releases|

Journey Air is ready to fly high with FlightLogger

It’s an exciting and busy summer for our onboarding department with lots of new partners getting started on our digital flight school management platform. This time we are pleased to introduce the Canadian flight ...

By |August 25th, 2021|Press releases|

Curtis Aviation is airborne with their new FlightLogger platform

July is a busy month here at FlightLogger since we are implementing a record-breaking number of pilot training organizations on what many consider the world’s most innovative flight school platform. This time it is ...

By |July 18th, 2021|Press releases|
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