Malaysia is becoming a true FlightLogger powerhouse with Layang Layang Flying Academy being the 6th customer in the Country!

Layang Layand Flying Academy is operating a fleet of fixed wings, both Piper aircraft and Cessna aircraft but also a fleet of rotor wings, where they have several Bell 206 Jetranger helicopters and a Eurocopter AS 355, taking full advantage of FlightLoggers customizability and flexibility of setting up specific aircraft which fits our customers needs. And even more so, as they have a setup where they operate out of two bases, both in Kota Kinabalu Airport and in Sultan Azlan Shah Airport. Hence, they are exploiting the feature in FlightLogger of seeing the airport location of each aircraft, both the homebase and the current airport, which gets updated automatically in FlightLogger after each flight registration.

Layang Layang Flying Academy is offering a broad range of professional pilot licenses, where they educate pilots in commercial licenses of both fixed and rotary wings (CPL) and also the full Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) in both aircraft categories. The academy is even offering a private license (PPL) if you are just looking to fly for fun in either a fixed wing aircraft or Helicopter.

When the FlightLogger implementation team got the final go from Layng Layang Flying Academy and received all training manuals and other required business data from them, it took under a month for their account to be ready!
FlightLogger believes in the value of a face-to-face relationship with our customers, hence, when the account was ready, Kenneth from the implementation team traveled to LLFA locations in Malaysia to train both the management and their instructors at both sites and to provide any necessary assistance for LLFA to be ready to their new digital life with FlightLogger.

With the help of FlightLogger, Layang Layang Flying Academy can now offer a fully digital experience for all employee groups and students, with 24/7 access to their operation from any given device, managing their resources both on- and offsite and giving the instuctors and students the possibility of accessing their training files at any given location, where they can prepare for their next flight and thus aiding in a higher quality of training!

FlightLogger welcomes Layang Layang Flying Academy and we are proud to be the provider of a fully digital experience for the management, the flight- and ground instructors, together with all their current and future students!

  • Flight Training Software
  • Aviation Academy Software
  • multi engine flying school
  • Helicopter school software