We are proud to announce that the second academy from Malaysia is now live with FlightLogger!

IATAC (International Aero Training Academy) is based in beautiful Melaka International Airport.
With their modern fleet of Diamond 40 and Diamond 42 they needed a matching effective and user-friendly training management system. After a single presentation done over Skype, FlightLogger became IATACs choice of system. Soon after FlightLogger initiated the easy start up procedure by setting up IATACs new FlightLogger account.

Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of August IATAC had the two introduction days to all staff on location. A few days later IATAC went live with their new flight school management system.

The FlightLogger team is proud to now have two partners in Malaysia educating pilots fully digital through FlightLogger!

The team sends a warm “welcome on board” to all staff and students at IATAC :-)