Urbe Aero ATO

Choosing “the right solution” is the dream for a lot of flight academies. At FlightLogger we believe, that we have found the right combination between technology and simplicity. But rather than judging this ourselves, we believe that we should be judged by our customers.

Here is a feedback from one of our latest customers:

“Urbe Aero ATO, the largest flight academy in Italy, is able to bring together several different web based systems and offline processes into one single web based system – namely FlightLogger! This includes ground training, flight training, resource scheduling, accounting, SMS, student, renter, instructor management, and more….

After extensive research, we concluded that FlightLogger meets Urbe Aero ATOs present and future requirements. FlightLogger requires minimal investment (time and resources to implement and training requirements), competitive recurring costs, and immediate return on investment with respect to present competitors (Flight Schedule Pro, myFBO, Icarus Web, Talon Systems) or custom software development. 

Based on client feedback FlightLogger is constantly evolving. We look forward to manage our continued strong growth here at Urbe Aero ATO without the need of adding additional back office employees. At the same time FlightLogger will optimize our training processes and further improve our already high quality of training!”

Lorenzo Mezzadri, Accountable Manager