In our ongoing series covering the state of pilot training following Covid-19 we are this time looking at data collected in May 2021 from the more than 120 training organizations currently using the FlightLogger platform worldwide.

As the roll-out of vaccines begins to take effect in some regions of the world and the climate gets warmer on the northern hemisphere, pilot training activities seem to be picking up the pace, although still not at an overwhelming pace.

Students slowly returning to the training organizations

Each month we take a look at how many students are doing active training at the flight schools. The last couple of months we have been able to report a slight increase in activities measured by this parameter, and the pattern of slow-paced recovery has continued in May.

Compared to the month before, our partners have grown their number of active students by 0,8% from 79,9 to 80,5 students in average, which is a slightly smaller recovery than what we saw from the previous two months.

Average active students per pilot academy
Last 4 months compared with pre-Covid19

Registered school flights slightly increasing as well

When looking at how many flights were registered as completed by our partners, we identify the same tendency of a slight improvement what looking at an average across the entire month.

As the graph below depicts, flight activities can differ quite a lot from week to week, and we did see a peak at the end of April which hasn’t been matched by a single week during the following month. However, when instead looking at the average for May (8.732 flights) compared with April (8.523 flights), flights have actually increased by 2,5%.

So, to conclude, the state of pilot training is going in a positive direction, but there is still a lot of recovering to do before we reach the levels from before Covid-19 hit us. We’ll take another look at our data in a month’s time, so stay tuned.

Prepare to come out stronger after Covid-19!

How you behave during the Covid-19 situation could be decisive for your business when things normalize and the potential for growth returns.

Get our brand-new guide full of recommendations on how to strengthen your pilot training organization to be in a better strategical and operational position when things start to open up following Covid-19.

FlightLogger Covid-19 guide