Over the last couple of weeks, the implementation of the FlightLogger flight school management software has been completed for one of Europe’s most highly regarded flight academies, the KLM Flight Academy. Next week, the solution goes live for the entire academy.

The fact that the Dutch-based flight academy handpicked FlightLogger as it’s central platform for operations management is yet another acknowledgement of the FlightLogger software.

FlightLogger software a perfect fit for KLM Flight Academy’s high demands

KLM Flight Academy has a long and proud history going back to 1946, where it was originally started as a government initiative under the name National Aviation School. Today, the academy is 100 % owned by KLM.

As an acclaimed source of skilled pilots to its mother company and many other airlines worldwide, KLM Flight Academy has always insisted on the highest standards for its pilot training. For that reason, CEO Kenneth Normann Jeppesen is both proud and humbled that FlightLogger’s management platform was selected: “It is important for us that FlightLogger can serve both small and large pilot schools worldwide. The fact that KLM Flight Academy has chosen our software is a huge recognition of the hard work we are putting into this platform”, Kenneth explains.

The online implemented turnkey solution made the transition easy

A key reason for KLM Flight Academy selecting FlightLogger was the fact that the academy’s entire training program could be integrated into the online platform in a swift and seamless way. “We are really impressed about the quality and speed of which our entire portfolio of courses, users, documents, resources and procedures were incorporated into the FlightLogger platform during the onboarding”, Mark Gerritsen, Head of Training at KLM Flight Academy reveals. “The implementation team at FlightLogger has taken care of everything for us. They have configured a turnkey solution that we only needed to sign off, which has been no problem at all.”

Due to the Corona situation, both the technical implementation and the onboarding of KLM Flight Academy staff has been carried out via online sessions. This has proven to be a much smaller challenge than expected, but still, Kenneth Normann Jeppesen looks forward to again be able to fly out and meet new members of the FlightLogger family as they are implemented: “Establishing personal relations with our customers is invaluable for both us and them. Once the Corona situation normalizes, we will head out to meet the flight schools that have started using FlightLogger during the lock-down, just like KLM Flight Academy has.”

At FlightLogger, we welcome and thank our new friends at KLM Flight Academy for trusting us to deliver such a pivotal part of managing their future daily operations.

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