We are glad to announce Kristian Lindskov Hansen as the new Chief Operating Office at FlightLogger

Over the last years, FlightLogger has been growing steadily with more and more ATO/AOCs joining our market-leading platform. With a new COO onboard FlightLogger proactively adapt to the increase in customers and users, so we continue to meet customer expectations. 

Kristian takes responsibility for daily operations with a focus on ensuring that FlightLogger operates efficiently with our high level of customer support while keeping customer input as the center of new development.

Kristian joins FlightLogger from a position as Project Portfolio Manager in product development at VELUX a/s and has previously been working with IT development at Vestas a/s.    

We are happy to show our ambition to be the leading provider of ATO/AOC software by welcoming Kristian into the FlightLogger family.

Kristian has joined FlightLogger on June 1st.