On the 2016/2/8 Aero Beta was up and running with a FlightLogger account. FlightLogger is proud to welcome yet another progressiv and visionary German academy to the list of customers.

Aero Beta transition into FlightLogger was really fast. Decision was taken in December, implementation started mid January. The last weekend in January FlightLogger visited Aero Beta over a weekend and held introduction days for all their 3 bases.

Sunday 2016/02/07 at approx 17:00 UTC Aero Beta’s large amount of students were brought online and everyone started working with FlightLogger the next day.

FlightLogger has been starting up a lot of academies so once again it went as everyone hoped for: a smooth “roll-out”. One of the biggest contributions to the success has been the professional and engaged approach, that Aero Beta has had to moving into “the digital age”.

FlightLogger is build to inspire and improve the quality and efficiency of the education of pilots around the world.  But no software – not even the FlightLogger solution – can do “everything” so there will always be the need for amendments of the existing processes to the new digital possibilities. The open-mindedness of Aero Beta will hopefully inspire others to also dare leaving paper behind and move into … the current time age, where iPad’s have become part of the modern cockpit.