Last year, we were lucky enough to have more than thirty pilot training organizations from all over the world join FlightLogger. This year has come off to a great start with the very first Vietnamese school – with a not so Vietnamese sounding name – finishing the implementation of FlightLogger earlier this month.
Though the school’s name Aviation School of New Zealand (ASNZ) doesn’t sound very Vietnamese, it indeed is. Based at Chu Lai Airport, ASNZ is the result of a partnership between AESC and one of New Zealand’s best flight training organizations, Eagle Flight Training. The school name also conveys the idea that the training operations conducted in Vietnam adopts the expertise and standards of pilot training of New Zealand, which is worldwide recognized. Today, the joint organization offers a versatile range of training programs from the locations in both New Zealand and Vietnam.
It was a bit of a coincidence that led Nguyen Hoang Hai, the CEO of ASNZ, in the direction of FlightLogger in September 2020. “One of our students told me about this digital platform he had been using when he was at a school in Norway, and he showed me the platform from his iPhone. It looked very impressive, and when we saw the full solution during an online demo with FlightLogger, we decided that this was the way we wanted to go forward”, he explained.
A few months later, the final decision to implement FlightLogger was made, and in January 2021, the school was ready to go live with the solution.
To FlightLogger’s CEO Kenneth Jeppesen, it means a lot to welcome ASNZ: “I’m very happy to welcome Aviation School of New Zealand as our first Vietnamese partner. To experience that end users actively recommend our solution and help us get in touch with new training organizations makes me really thankful, but also very motivated to continue on the path we have set. Luckily, it happens more and more often that we get in dialogue with academies through our end users, and we take it as a proof that we are doing things the right way”, Kenneth Jeppesen says.
A great big welcome to our new friends from Aviation School of New Zealand.
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