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FlightLogger attending Pilot Careers Live in Frankfurt 5/3/2016

FlightLogger will participate as an exhibitor at Pilot Careers Live in Frankfurt on Saturday 5/3/2016. Key statement to the students seeking guidance:  You would never choose a bank that kept your records only on paper ...

By |March 2nd, 2016|Press releases|

Bel Air – Danish offshore helicopter company – now on FlightLogger

The large Danish-owned offshore helicopter company Bel Air based at Esbjerg Airport started using FlightLogger in January 2016. FlightLogger is proud to welcome this new AOC customer on board. The introduction was made possible ...

By |February 27th, 2016|Press releases|

Aero-Beta Flight Training is on FlightLogger

On the 2016/2/8 Aero Beta was up and running with a FlightLogger account. FlightLogger is proud to welcome yet another progressiv and visionary German academy to the list of customers. Aero Beta transition into FlightLogger was ...

By |February 12th, 2016|Press releases|

Urbe Aero ATO chooses FlightLogger

Choosing "the right solution" is the dream for a lot of flight academies. At FlightLogger we believe, that we have found the right combination between technology and simplicity. But rather than judging this ourselves, we ...

By |November 6th, 2015|Press releases|
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