We want to share some helpful tips and guidelines with all our beloved customers. We know that COVID-19 has come as a shock to many, and while some customers have closed down their operation temporarily other customers are running full production as normal.
No matter the degree of which you are affected by COVID-19 we want to share 3 helpful tips/knowledge with you. Detailed information can be found further down but here follows a short description of each.
Save money by putting student on ‘standby’
Ever since the beginning, FlightLogger has had a differential price model meaning that FlightLogger charges its customers less if the customer has fewer active students and operations. We find that fair compared to other systems that charge a fixed fee according to the amount of aircraft. Hence for those customers that are struggling financially, remember to set your students to ‘standby’ before the 1st of any month. By doing so you avoid being charged for students that are not going to be active in the following month and you can lower your expenses significantly. More information can be found below under ‘Management of students’.
Optimise your FlightLogger account
For some customers COVID-19 has left more time for administration than normal due to less production. Why not use the time efficiently by optimising your FlightLogger account to come out stronger on the other side. Improvements to briefings, lessons and documents or maybe activation of one of our 4 add on modules (SAM, SMS, DIM, Guest) could be a good time to explore. Several new user guide videos have been added to our Help Center lately so take a look as you might discover features you didn’t know existed. More information can be found below under ‘Get the most out of FlightLogger’.
FlightLogger – your all in one solution and safe data storage
At FlightLogger we strive to digitalize as many areas of your operation with one platform, but remember we are also your safe data storage and backup solution. Every day we capture your instructor’s and crew’s registrations and store them safely with secure backups on multiple servers. Meanwhile, we gather our customer’s feedback which our developers turn into new features as fast as possible. During COVID-19 this is all still taking place at full speed so don’t hesitate to share customer inputs with us or request a demo of our Dropbox Integration Module if interested in a local backup solution. More information can be found below under ‘FlightLogger still at full speed during COVID-19’.
Detailed information follows below:
Management of students
Each month our customers are charged according to the amount of ‘active students’ between the first and the last day of the given month. The description below summon up the rules for ‘active students’ in general.
- An active student is a student that has been attached to an active program in FlightLogger between the first and the last day of a given month.
- If a student is attached to multiple active programs within a given month FlightLogger will only charge the customer for one active student. This means a student can be active on both ‘PPL’ and ‘CPL’ and FlightLogger will only charge the customer for one active student.
- Whether a student is ‘active’ for 1 day or 31 days in a given month does not make any price difference, the student will count as one active student in the given month.
- Any program attached to a student can be moved from ‘active’ to ‘standby’ or ‘completed’ status at any time by the customer.
- If a student is moved to ‘standby’ or ‘completed’ before the 1st of the following month and remains ‘standby’ or ‘completed’ throughout the month there will be no charge for the student in that month.
- Any student that is ‘standby’ or ‘completed’ within an entire month will still have 24/7 access to FlightLogger despite there will be no charge for the student in that month.
- Likewise, administrators will have full digital access to all ‘standby’ and ‘completed’ students 24/7, but naturally these students cannot be scheduled or have registrations done for flights or theory.
- It is the customers own responsibility to move students to ‘standby’ or ‘completed’ before the 1st of any given month to avoid the monthly charge for the student in the following month.
By giving access to manage the status of students, each customer can control their monthly cost of FlightLogger.
Don’t hesitate to reach out via [email protected] if you have any question to the above.

Get the most out of FlightLogger
Many customers are using these difficult times to optimise their FlightLogger account, something they don’t have much time to look into during normal operations. Customers have been contacting us for advises on how to optimise programs, processes etc. in order to come out stronger on the other side.
At FlightLogger we strive to provide customers with the best tools possible for them to gain knowledge about how to get the most out of their FlightLogger solution. Therefore, FlightLogger had already prior to COVID-19 created a Help Center with multiple user guides. The Help Center is available for all administrators, instructors, crew and staff directly from the FlightLogger platform. Recently, the Help Center has been further improved by our team as additional user guide videos have been added.
Among other things you can find videos giving a quick introduction to three of the FlightLogger add on modules.
We recommend that users of FlightLogger visit the Help Center via their FlightLogger account.
Don’t hesitate to reach out via [email protected] if you have any question or if you want us to do a little review of your FlightLogger account to identify potential optimisations.

FlightLogger still at full speed during COVID-19
Despite companies are requested to send home their employees, all FlightLogger employees are still 100% at work. Each employee is simply working from home to avoid the spread of COVID-19 for the world to get back to normal ASAP.
Every FlightLogger customer can, therefore, feel safe as all our staff is on duty ensuring a stable and secure FlightLogger solution. As always, our development team is working full time on new features like our upcoming CBTA module, Flight Time Limitation module, improvements to both the booking page, message center and availability area, all things requested by our customers.
At FlightLogger we have no intention of lowering our effort in continuing building a better FlightLogger for all customers. FlightLogger will keep all development projects at full speed throughout COVID-19 and don’t hesitate to share your valuable customer inputs with us as always via [email protected]